City administration for genuine and delegated affairs
Head of the city administration presents and represents the City Administration, gives instructions and guidelines for the operation of the internal organizational units regarding the method of execution of tasks, coordinate the work of the City Administration and secures the functioning of the administration as a single authority responsible for the legality of administrative operations, resolves conflicts of jurisdiction between internal organizational units, gives opinion to the Assembly, Mayor, City Council and working bodies of the City of draft regulations and other legal opinions issued by individual acts of labor relations and appointed persons in the City Administration, conducts disciplinary and other powers to employees of the City Administration, decides on the disqualification of an official in the City Administration, decides on the provision of material and other conditions for efficient work of the City Administration, decides on the acquisition and disposal of equipment of higher value, (which is not defined by jurisdiction of another organ) as well as equipment of lesser value and supplies and performs other duties in accordance with the law, the City Charter, the decisions of the City, the City Council and the Mayor.
Deputy Head of the City Administration covers for the Head of the City Administration in the event of his absence or inability to perform his duties and assists the Head of the City Administration in his daily work. By order of the Head of the City Administration performs tasks within the jurisdiction of the City Administration.
Department of General Administration
Established for: improving work organization and modernization of city administration, law enforcement and other regulations in the general administrative procedure in local affairs, resolving administrative matters in the area of civil status, keeping the registries and records of citizenship , management and updating of the electoral roll, jobs providing legal assistance to local communities on the territory of Novi Pazar, professional and administrative activities for the local community, business conduct of elections, referendum and self-constribution, business of citizen assistance center.
Department of Social Affairs
Established to perform the duties of the City Administration related to: the establishment of institutions and organizations in the field of preschool education, primary education, secondary education and higher education; educational inspection activities, culture, primary health care, physical culture, sports, child and social protection; monitoring and ensuring their functioning and supervision of the work; organization and performing tasks related to the protection of cultural property of importance to the municipality; encouraging the development of cultural, artistic, amateurism and create conditions for the work of museums, libraries and other cultural institutions whose founder it is; students and students’ affairs; social child care, social security and healthcare; special accounts and sub-accounts, child allowance, maternity leave, veteran's, activities related to the work of the Commissariat for refugees, Office for Roma Affairs, implementing gender equality and equal opportunities in city government, as well as other activities in accordance with the law. Performs tasks related to the conduct of schools in terms of compliance with laws, regulations and by-laws, review the intended use of the funds which the school has, inspect schools in the process of verifying the conditions for the startup and performance of activities, undertake measures to realize the rights and obligations of students, parents and teachers and associates and directors, control the fulfillment of conditions for early enrollment and cancels enrollment in school if done on the contrary to the law, review the required records kept by the schools and determine the facts in the process of annulment of official documents issued by the school, prohibit execution of the actions in the school that are opposed to law, control the compliance with the conditions for the implementation of the exams, by the decision order the elimination of irregularities within a specified period, by a decision order the execution of the prescribed measures that have not been executed, file the suit to the competent authority on criminal or civil offense or a request for court proceedings, notify the other authority if there are reasons for the measures for which the authority is competent, prepare a report for its area of responsibility.
Department of Finance
Established to perform duties pertaining to the professional, financial and material, administrative and legal, normative-legal, administrative and other tasks for the bodies of the City, the city government and other budget users in accordance with the law in the following areas: balancing public revenues and public expenditure budget of the city, collecting revenue, macroeconomic and fiscal analysis, planning and preparation of City budget, final accounts, City Treasury, financial planning, cash management, control of budgetary expenses, debt management, budget accounting and reporting, financial and accounting affairs, treasury and economy of City Administrations, management of financial and information system, inspection of the use of budgetary resources, redirect appropriations approved for certain expenditures, in accordance with the law, financial and accounting procedures of direct budget users related to: participation in the preparation of financial plans and accounts, monitoring of monetary documents and instruments of payment with regard to contractual obligations and appropriate spending of resources, and billing services, cash operations, the formation of accounting documents, keeping of books and records per each user, reconciliation of receivables and payables, determining of quotas for direct beneficiaries of the budget of the city, control of conducted public procurements by budget users, institutions and public enterprises founded by the City of Novi Pazar, public procurement in accordance with the law and other acts of organs of the City Administration, as well as providing technical assistance to the direct and indirect budget users in public procurement procedures , subsidies to public enterprises under its supervision, financial planning, control and reconciliation of annual accounts, the consolidation of reports and compiling the consolidated annual report of indirect beneficiaries of the budget of the city that are within its jurisdiction and other activities in accordance with the regulations on the budgetary system.
Department of Economy
Established to perform tasks related to professional, analytical, administrative and supervisory, normative-legal, material and financial, administrative, technical and other tasks iof the City in the field of: establishing the scope and structure of the City stock reserves, security, promotion, use, , environmental protection, development of agriculture, agricultural land, pasture and erosion areas, forests and water, flora and fauna, water, areas with natural medicinal properties, industry, crafts, private entrepreneurship, trade, supply to the market economy, privatization, ensuring the development arts, crafts, trade and tourism, encouraging the development of cooperatives, making short-term and long-term plans for economic development, the creation of stimulative environment to attract domestic and foreign investors through various forms of incentives, provision of credit lines to finance investment projects in the field of creating new and further development of existing businesses, cooperation and coordination on the preparation, management and implementation of projects with partner relationships from the governmental and nongovernmental sector, coordination and cooperation with the representatives of trade union organizations, issuing licenses for performing the activity of production and distribution of thermal energy in accordance with the law and the energy permit for construction and rehabilitation of the facilities for heat production with the capacity exceeding 1 MW and facilities for heat distribution, arranging and ensuring special conditions and organization of taxi transportation of passengers, determining of working time for certain activities and determine the areas where you can perform certain activities, performing business related to the granting of approval for the use of name of the City in the business name of the company, pricing utilities and other industries within the jurisdiction of City, project preparation in the field of economy, preparing opinions in the privatization process, keeping track of mounted billboards , organization of certain events and awards and recognition in this area in accordance with the law, the statute and other regulations, the exercise of state administration delegated to the City by the Republic in the field of water, water management, industry, trade, entrepreneurship, trade, market supply, economic development, tourism and other tasks that the Republic delegates to the city, carrying out coordination of donor activities in the implementation of projects in the field of local self-government, making decisions, contracts, agreements or draft these legal documents with partners and donors, defining the terms of reference, the execution of professional projects and projects arising from international cooperation and the cooperation of local governments, preparation of reports, analysis and information pertaining to projects in the field of local self-government, the feasibility studies of projects of importance to the local government, making of the Bill of Quantities monitoring and participation in the implementation of defined project tasks and projects, participation in determination and assessment of damage from natural disasters, business statistics and statistical analysis, design and monitoring of the implementation of the budget for investments, proposing priority investments, determination of project tasks with key stakeholders, participation in the implementation and monitoring of project tasks with key stakeholders, participation in the implementation and monitoring of investments by stages, when the city is not an investor, establishing a database necessary for the implementation of investments, the investment marketing, coordinating activities of donors (government and non-government sector) and the city in the realization of investments, the realization of investments which are funded by the budget.
Department of Local Economic Development
Established to actively take responsibility for local economic development, for a better and more efficient planning, preparation, coordination, management, implementation and supervision of the activities related to local economic development in the city of Novi Pazar. To this end, it has established to perform the following tasks: propose to the Mayor and City Council of stimulating measures for the creation of new SMEs and attracting direct foreign and domestic investment, prepare proposals of legal acts in the field of economic development, prepare proposals for projects identified in the strategy of sustainable development, cooperation with ministries, development agencies, donor organizations and other relevant factors in the preparation and implementation of projects of strategic importance to the city, propose to the Mayor and City Council regulations to improve the system of public revenues and give an opinion on the acts for changing the rate, or the height of revenues of local self-government or otherwise influence the position of taxpayers-economic entities providing reviews for the adoption and implementation of community investment programs, launching initiatives for the establishment of industrial and technological parks, business incubators, as well as for rehabilitation and of degraded areas in the City, the initiative for the creation, modification or amendment of urban planning documents (land use, construction land allotment plan, a plan for network and facilities for transportation, energy, water management, public utilities and other infrastructure) in order to create conditions for a more efficient economic development and provide opinion in the processes that are not running at the initiative of the department, give an opinion on the procedure of allocation of land for permanent and temporary use and performance of a specific control of use of construction land, propose measures to improve inspection and administrative procedures that affect economic development, proposing measures to reduce unemployment and poverty reduction, propose measures to improve the working capacity and create equal opportunities for women and vulnerable groups, provide the necessary support during the process of strategic planning, constant communication with the Council for Sustainable City Development and Economic Council of the City, monitor the activities and meetings of the Council and report on the results of these meetings in writing with the given conclusions and proposals, supervision of implementation of projects of economic interest arising from the Strategic Plan for Local Economic Development - Sustainable Development Strategy of the City of Novi Pazar and update, initiate and create new strategic documents for local economic development, advertising business, within which are the activities of preparation of promotional materials (brochures, leaflets, CD materials, presentation of the City, websites, electronic newsletters, review the economic potential and offers of the City), distribution to embassies of foreign countries, offices, chambers abroad, commercial divisions of foreign embassies in the country, exhibitions, other municipalities-towns and regions in the country and abroad, organization of promotional events, participation in fairs and commercial exhibitions, organization and participation in organization and preparation of information campaigns on the importance of foreign direct investment and promoting business concept that reflect the local community, environmental, philanthropic activities, presentation of the city or municipalities on the regional, national and international level in activities related to economic development, maintenance of existing, attracting new and expansion of local business activity and, consequently, the maintenance of stable contacts with representatives of investors (domestic and foreign), systematic approach to relationships with potential investors, organization of visits intended to potential clients, business potentials interesting for investment , create and maintain the database about the available professional labor force in cooperation with National Employment Service, including database of unemployed and the employed, on local companies, the new domestic and foreign investors, on the free urban construction land, land suitable for construction of industrial facilities, available investment resources (existing industrial plants and facilities and existing companies interested in joint ventures); on business space owned by the city and private property - utilization, rental prices, sale prices, size; with contact information in the republican and local administration and public enterprises, as well as in other relevant institutions; educational and financial institutions in the City; about the opportunities for privatization, contacts and direct support to the local business community, and maintain daily contacts with local entrepreneurs, research organizations to improve their business skills, assess and evaluation of options for strengthening the capacity of instruments of support to local economic development, provide legal and technical support, advice and timely information provision, create training programs for start-ups and business associations, organization of training for SMEs and entrepreneurs in the field of writing projects and preparation of documents for loan applications, in cooperation with the Republic Agency for registration businesses, assisting local entrepreneurs in the registration and re-registration and promotion of the concept of entrepreneurship and public-private partnerships, support for the process of strategic planning (daily communication with the Committee for Strategic Planning), monitor activities and meetings of the Commission (help the reporting process, preparation of conclusions and recommendations), monitor the implementation of the projects arising from the strategic plan for local economic development and reporting process, through incentives for funding contact with banks that have a branch. The responsibilities of the Department are to prepare the local community, administration, public companies and institutions for the process of European integration and regional policy development in the period up to Serbia's EU accession, define problems within the strategic policy for the development of the city and the region, by indentifying priorities to be officially supported by all available means and at all levels, to prepare the action plan of the Department for the period until the next elections as well as the development plan in the next election cycle which is in accordance with the defined priorities of regional development, to establish a working group that will deal with different topics in line with the strategic direction of development in line with EU policy on priorities in the development of the region and put emphasis on a faster development of the city of Novi Pazar in the capacity of border regions, promote and perform an advisory role in the adaptation of business institutions and companies that are direct users of the municipal budget to adapt to EU standards, pointing to new sources of financing from EU funds, establish a team of experts that will deal with donations and advisory EU funds to help all interested parties whose projects correspond to previously established priorities of communities and regions, responsibly take lobbying, in accordance with the law, with all instances of the structure and the crucial ones for the realization of projects, cooperate with all political structures and offices that deal with processes of integration providing international and regional cooperation and assistance in accordance with the legal possibilities of the region they belong to and interact with the European institutions and bodies in accordance with the status of Serbia in the process of integration, encourage and facilitate all forms of training for councilors, the City Council and stakeholders in relation to European integrations, standards, institutions and laws.
Department of Assembly affairs, Mayor and City Council
Has been established to perform professional, administrative and technical assignments for the City, and in particular: Activities related to the preparation and holding of sessions of the City Assembly and its working bodies; process materials from the meetings and the preparation of regulations and other acts in the field of local self-government and other fields that are not within the scope of other departments , monitoring their implementation, record keeping and the minutes of the sessions held and performing other tasks in this field; professional and administrative tasks by pending applications for assessing the constitutionality and legality of laws passed by the City Assembly, editing and publishing the "Official Gazette of the City of Novi Pazar," and other similar activities in accordance with the Law. The Department performs legislative tasks in the field of organization and realization of local self-government, tasks of control of legality and mutual harmonization among the city's regulations and improvements of local legal system, dealing with most complex legal matters within the jurisdiction of the city and other assignments in compliance with laws and regulations of the city. The Department provides professional and administrative and technical assistance to the councilors and political parties represented in the City, as well as deputies of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia. The Department performs professional, administrative and technical affairs for the Mayor and The City Council, in order to implement jurisdiction of the Mayor and Deputy Mayor concerning representation of the interests of the City in relation to physical and legal entities in the country and abroad, coordination of work with other bodies of the city, carrying out organizational tasks for the preparation, maintenance and processing of the sessions of City Council and working bodies of the City Council and the Mayor's working meetings.
Department of City Planning and Construction
Department of Urban Planning and Construction has been established to carry out tasks related to: preparation and adoption of a spatial plans and urban plans, their records and the monitoring of their implementation, the determination of public construction land, preparation and issuance of the urban plans and issuing of acts on urban conditions, confirming compliance of urban and conceptual project with the urban plan, tasks of allotment of land and re-allotment, issuing permits for construction of facilities, validation of requests for the commencement of work, preparatory works and works that are not covered by permission for construction, issuance of use permits, landscaping of public areas through relevant planning documents (program temporary use, etc.), confirming of plans for specific parts of the buildings, technical backup and professional administrative and technical tasks for the Commission plans, tasks related to the legalization of illegally constructed buildings, inspection of technical documentation, technical inspection activities related to undertaking measures of protection and other works on cultural property of the city and other activities in accordance with the law.
Department of Property Affairs
Department for Property Affairs has been established to carry out the tasks relating to: the lease of construction land and termination of construction land usage rights, protection, preservation and recording of property used by the city (offices, residential spaces, kiosks, land and others.), management, use and disposal of this property and its registration, proposing measures for the protection of immovable property, expropriation and administrative transfer of land and buildings, de-expropriation, establishing a regime of property, determine the rights of the previous owners on undeveloped construction land, termination of construction land usage rights and adoption of the acts on the exclusion of land from the possession of the land users, administrative activities for the Commission for restitution of the land and pastures, land consolidation and redistribution of land, keeping the records free construction lots, tasks on keeping the record of arbitrarily occupied land and take measures that they are released and that a fee is charged for arbitrarily using them until the release of self-decided occupation, work on execution of administrative acts and other activities in accordance with the law.
Department of community, housing and transport affairs
Department for communal-residential affairs and traffic affairs has been established to carry out the tasks related to: planning, development and provision of utility services, ensuring the material and other conditions for the permanent provision of utility services, monitoring the performance of basic municipal functions - water supply, wastewater water, cleaning of public areas, maintenance of public green surfaces, public lighting, traffic, etc., monitors the adoption of programs and plans of utility companies in the city and their implementation, proposes appropriate measures for, and supervise the performance of public utilities, keeps the register of streets, squares and buildings and determined house numbers, tasks arising from the regulations on the maintenance of residential buildings, external appearance, administrative functions relating to illegal immigration, editing of working time for certain activities and determine the space where certain activities may be performed, editing and providing special conditions and the organization of urban and suburban traffic and taxi transportation of passengers, operations of planning and organization of fitting of billboards (billboards), participation in crisis management.
Department for Environment, Health and Safety at work
Department of Environmental Protection, fire protection, safety and health at work has been established to carry out the tasks related to the implementation of the local environmental plans; directing and conducting activities to protect the living environment, the implementation of the procedures for evaluating the environmental impact, monitoring the situation in this field, organizing the protection and improvement of the environment in accordance with the Law on Environmental Protection and the laws governing the protection of nature, air, noise of non-ionizing radiation, waste management, handling of chemicals, biocides and others. strategic assessment of plans and programs on the environment; assess the impact of projects on the environment; integrated prevention and control of pollution of the environment and other areas of protection of natural resources and the environment; monitoring, protection against accidents and preventive care related to: development and implementation of programs for monitoring and control of environmental quality (air, spring water, public drinking fountains, surface water, soil, measurement of noise pollution, the level of radioactivity and UV radiation); analysis of the situation, monitoring the implementation of norms and standards of environmental quality and propose appropriate measures; establishing of local register of pollution sources; adoption of air quality plans and short-term action plans for risk reduction or exceeding the concentration of pollutants dangerous to human health; strategic noise mapping and acoustic zoning; making external plans that are an integral part of plans for emergency response; the proclamation of the threat to the environment in case of an accident; processing, systematization and storage of data on environmental quality, preparation, maintenance and use of data from registers and specific databases; organizing the work of the biological control of pest population, ie the preparation and implementation of programs to combat harmful organisms (mosquitoes, ticks, rodents, etc.) within the city; as well as security from the products for control of harmful organisms and control the use of poison in suppressing pest population, security expert forecasts, monitoring and controlling the implementation of specific programs; planning and management of the projects related to: the development of strategic plans, programs and projects in the field of protection, conservation and rational use of natural resources, use of renewable and alternative energy sources and environmental protection; drafting of environmental protection, conservation programs, creation or participation in the elaboration and remedial action plans and projects, plans to improve the quality of the environment; development and implementation of a local waste management plan and individual management programs of inert and non-hazardous waste; preparation of promotion and presentation of plans, programs and projects, the maintenance of specific database and an information system for protection of nature and the environment; conducts the procedure according to the Law on Mining and Geological Exploration, organizes tasks of fire protection; care of stray dogs and cats and tasks of landscaping and propose appropriate measures, prepare of proposals for use of the funds from the charge for the promotion and protection of the environment, as well as other activities in accordance with the law, organizing activities for safety and health at work of employees in City, according to the organization, the nature and extent of the work process, the number of employees who participate in the working process, the number of shifts, assessed risks, the number of separated units and types of activities. In order to realize the above objectives the following activities will be performed in the unit: physical and technical security and fire protection of buildings, facilities and equipment that is used by the City; preparing the Risk Assessment Act; exercising control and advising employers in planning, selection, use and maintenance of capital equipment, hazardous substances and means and equipment for personal protection at work; participation in equipping and planning of the workplace in order to ensure safe and healthy working conditions; organize preventive and periodic testing of working environment; organize preventive and periodic inspection and testing of work equipment; proposing measures to improve working conditions, particularly in the workplace with increased risk; daily monitoring and control of the application of measures for safety and health at work; monitoring the situation with regard to industrial accidents and occupational diseases as well as diseases related to work, participation in determining their causes and prepares reports with suggested measures for their elimination; preparation and implementation of training of employees for safe and healthy work; preparation of guidelines for safe operation and control of their application; prohibition of the performing labor in the workplace or the use of the devices for the work in case of the immediate danger to life or health of an employee; collaboration and coordination with the occupational health services in all matters in the field of safety and health at work; keeping records in the field of safety and health at work.
Department of Inspection affairs
Department for Inspection has been established to carry out the tasks relating to: administrative supervision over implementation of the republican legislations, regulations and general acts of the City Assembly and delegated tasks by the special substantive regulations within the scope of inspective supervision of: the construction, utilities, transportation, environmental protection, conducting proceedings and making a decision on the demolition and removal of buildings in the inspection procedure; creation of normative-legal acts, administrative and technical tasks which regulate and provide conditions and measures to be undertaken and provided during the demolition and removal of the facility; preparation and development of normative-legal acts within the jurisdiction of the Department - performs execution solutions that had been brought by the inspectors and other decisions of the City Administration, preparation of supporting documents relating to the procedure of execution, preparation and carrying out the necessary checks on the execution of solutions, removal of illegal buildings or parts of buildings by use of hand tools and machinery and the removal of physical barriers from the public areas, securing of municipal property. Supervision of the implementation of development and implementation of local environmental plans. Within the Department, city inspectors are empowered to impose and levy mandatory penalties for offenses that are prescribed city regulations.
Department of Common Affairs and Human Resources Management
Has been established to perform tasks related to: preparation and make of the decisions and other individual acts, keeping of personnel records, cooperation with the National Employment Service in relation to the admission of workers employed, check-in and check-out on pension and disability insurance, business related to employment start and termination of employment, tasks related to employees' rights relating to health care; arranging and keeping records of employees, elected and appointed officials, keeping the register of employed in which records are kept on employment of elected, nominated, appointed and employed in the city administration, as well as termination of employment. The Department keeps a book of stamps in use in the City Administration, the City Hall, with the Mayor and City Council, office management, organization and operation of the administrative office and archives, issuing work cards, verification of signatures, manuscripts and transcripts: prescribed records are kept - register for verification and documentation is kept in a manner determined by regulations, issues workbooks and duplicates of work books, registers the personal data and completion of educational attainment in the record books, keeps required records of work books issued and issue certificates from these records.
Department of Information Technology
Department of Information Technology has been established for professional activities relating to hardware and software maintenance and repair of computers, printers and networking equipment in city administrations, institutions and public enterprises; tasks of maintenance and expansion of existing local area networks in city administrations, institutions and public enterprises; creation and expansion of City computer network (wired and wireless). This network would connect all both urban and republican institutions on the territory of Novi Pazar. This network could also be used to set up video surveillance in schools and public places as well as many other services of general interest: the creation and maintenance of information systems (IS) in city administrations, institutions and public enterprises; The information system is a set of procedures and methods for properly planned gathering, preparing, transmission, storage and processing of data and presentation of data for decision making; creation and maintenance of Geographic Information System (GIS); by provision of continuous and unhindered access to Internet and all of its services; through cooperation with state institutions as well as donor organizations regarding strengthening of the IT capacity of Novi Pazar; training and additional training of employees of city administration and public companies regarding the use of computers as well as of basic and specialized computer applications.
Department of technical and auxiliary affairs, security and fleet
Department of technical and auxiliary affairs, security and car fleet has been established to conduct activities relating to the support-manipulative, catering and other services for the City authorities, investment and regular maintenance of facilities, devices and equipment that is used by the city, maintenance of hygiene in facilities which are used by the City, a telephone communications and audio tracks, the physical security of persons and public gatherings, providing transportation services for the needs of the City and the taking care of the fleet, catering services to the needs of the City, delivering the solutions for collection of public revenues, service of manual character , providing other conditions necessary for the operation of the city, businesses of administrative secretary, use of office and other means and equipment, records and the use and issuance of fixed assets and inventory, arranging of official rooms and space for meetings, conferences, sessions and similar, copying, printing and delivery of materials for the needs of the city, providing other conditions necessary for the smooth operation of the City, as well as other activities in this area.
Department of Information
Department of Information has been established for the organization of timely and complete information of the citizens about the work of the City, services, institutions and public enterprises founded by the City of Novi Pazar, organizing the press conference with the mayor and other city officials and responsible persons, organization of information in emergency situations (floods, landslides, snow, earthquakes, etc.), the publication of announcements, competitions and tenders for the needs of the City, editing and maintenance of internet presentation of the city, organization of media campaigns and actions of the Mayor and other city authorities, production of analytical materials on public information, editing and issue of the publications of significance to the City, coordinating communication between the City Administration and the public, and ensuring conditions for the work of the journalists accredited in the City Assembly, organizing marketing activities - the inscription on the buildings of the city, city official premises, public enterprises and institutions, development of state and city flags, emblems, symbols of the city, letterheads of the City, folders, etc., business protocols and cooperation of the City with other cities and municipalities in the country and abroad, jobs of proofreading and translation jobs, reception of domestic and foreign delegations and other activities in the area of protocols and cooperation, tasks of monitoring the press and media, denials tasks of malicious misinformation which distort and insult the reputation of the City and its bodies, activities of undertaking measures in order to achieve legal protection because of the releasing and broadcasting of misinformation that have the character of insulting and defamatory statements and other activities of importance for the proper information in accordance with the law.
Department for Emergency situations and Defense matters
Department has been established for carrying out tasks relating to the implementation of the obligations of local government. The Department performs the following tasks: Creates the defense plans of the city that are an integral part of the defense plan of the Republic of Serbia; Take measures for the harmonization of the preparation for the defense of the legal entities in the activities of their competence with a plan of defense of the Republic of Serbia; Take measures for the functioning of local government in war and emergency; Implemented measures to prepare for and take other measures necessary for the transition to the organization in war and emergency; Basing its decision on the organization and functioning of civil protection in the territory of the local government and ensure its implementation in accordance with the unique system of protection and rescue; The plan and program development of protection and rescue system on the territory of the local government, in accordance with long-term development plan for protection and rescue of the Republic of Serbia; Plans and determine the sources of financing for development, construction and execution of tasks of protection and rescue and development of civil protection and the implementation of measures and tasks of civil protection in the territory of the local government; Directly cooperating with state authorities, companies and other legal entities; Cooperates with agencies from other municipalities and cities; Adjusts its plans for protection and rescue with the plan of protection and rescue in emergency situations of the Republic of Serbia; Provides telecommunication and information support for protection and rescue, as well as engaging in telecommunication and information systems services. Service monitoring, informing and alarming and associated with him; Develops and delivers vulnerability assessment and plan of protection and rescue in emergency situations; Follow hazards, inform the population about the dangers and take other preventive measures to reduce risks from natural and other disasters; Acquires and maintains resources for alarm within the public alert system in the Republic of Serbia, to participate in the study coverage of the public alert for the territory of Novi Pazar; Organize, develop and maintain a personal and collective protection; Participates in the creation, organization and equipping civil protection units for general purpose; Harmonize the plans of protection and rescue in emergency situations with neighboring municipalities; Performs other duties as stipulated by the Law on Defense and the Law on emergency situation.